Sunday, August 31, 2008

Summer vacation

Happy Campers... we decided in Rock Springs Wyoming (a hot spot, let me tell you) to head north to Jackson. We camped just outside of town.

Sun Valley was filled with hiking, biking, horseback riding, bug catching, good eats and more. Here we're hiking and Nan and Pop are filling Sydney's bug cage with butterflies and grasshoppers.

Darcie hits the trail!
We climbed Baldy - just over two hours to the summit, including watching the sun come up over Ketchum, and a gorgeous ride down on the chairlift.

Sydney rode Pockets the horse.
And groomed Pockets...
More riding...
More grooming.
Fishing at Penny Lake
Mountain biking just west of town.
Woohoo! 11 year anniversary date!
Checking out the fun chairs at the antique show.

Sunday, August 03, 2008

Darcie's Weekend

YAY! Darcie Doodle is one! Sydney and I made a lemon pound cake (don't mind the lumpy frosting) and topped it with zinnias from our garden. Yummy - the cake, not the flowers!

We spent some time in Tiny Town over the weekend.

Golden Farmer's Market. It is the best way to spend a Saturday morning, despite the cranky face on Sydney.

Baby Needs a New Pair of Shoes

When Sydney turned 1 we took her to one of our favorite baby boutiques, REAL BABY, in the Highlands for a new pair of shoes. We used Darcie's 1st birthday as a great excuse to visit this fun store and of course, baby got a new pair of shoes.Hmmm, should I get the Robeez? Too many to choose from! Big decisions for a small girl.Daddy forecasts that he's going to be spending many birthdays shoe shopping
Here's Darcie Doo trying out the new kicks. She decided on the brown mary janes with pink polka dots.
She was reluctant to leave with only one pair of shoes... Daddy let's go back in for one more pair!