Sunday, February 24, 2008

February 2008

Happy Baby Yoga Pose!
Darcie loves her toes, they're so delicious. It has also become almost impossible to change her diaper, the girl will not lay still, she rolls over, sits up and is ready to go, bare bum and all.

Sydney likes a snuggle with Darc when she wakes up in the morning.

Darcie is crawling, standing and basically getting into anything she can get her hands on.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008


Sydney's 4th Birthday - Ski party

Sydney celebrated her 4th birthday with a ski party at Winter Park. Celebrating took place in the Mary Jane lodge... then it was off to the slopes.

Keagan, Sydney and Anna.
"Jane Girls" Keagan, Sydney and Anna

Sydney, Jack and Anna - geared up and ready to schralp.

Cupcakes at home on the 17th.

Video of Sydney, Jack, Anna and Keagan bonking helmets - a fun new game!